We have an experiential early years education program based on Kriyactive and Xseed curriculum for 2-5 years. It lays emphasis on children’s intrinsic quality of curiosity which leads to creativity in the later years. The program is run through a play-based exploration and inquiry approach establishing cross-curricular learning across 7 key areas
The fundamental purpose of the KG Program is to give value-based education and develop the round personality of the children by inculcating good habits, moral values and discipline.
Lead School is an Academic Excellence System that delivers an excellent curriculum via a simple technology-based delivery model.
The knowledge and skills gained during middle school years equip students with a firm academic base to pursue a variety of educational options in the future. Students are presented with opportunities to question, take risks, collaborate, assume responsibility for independent work and research and pursue individual interests.
Tamil or Hindi is optional till Grade VIII in both II Language and III Language. From Grade VI, Sanskrit is introduced as a II Language option and as a III Language option.