
The Computer Engineering department of FX Polytechnic College has its humble beginning in June 2006. The department has well qualified and dedicated faculty members with on hand field and academic experience. The Department of Computer Engineering (CE) has a steady growth in every sphere of its activities.  The department organizes guest lectures, seminars, workshops and training programmes for the benefit of students and staff.

The department offers theoretical and practical expertise to learners. This branch of study concentrates on Networks, Database, Multimedia, Mobile computing, Cloud computing and so on.


To create energetic and enthusiastic engineers with enormous knowledge in the engineering field and also with an excellent committed and competent leadership qualities and creativeness.


To create engineers with strong ethical responsibilities and empathetic attitude.

Mrs. C.Jenifer Grace Giftlin

Head of the department

Our Department Events

S.NO   DATE             EVENT                            TOPIC

 1         31.1.20            Guest Lecture                   Web Designing using WordPress                              

 2         14.2.20            Guest Lecture                 Cryptography

 3         22.2.20         Industrial Visit               Atos Syntel

 4         27.2.20           Association Event             Association Valedictory


Email : hod.cse@fxpoly.ac.in
Phone : 8012551473